Specialist Programs

Additional Needs Teacher

Peter Rabbit-051

Here at Peter Rabbit we pride ourselves on providing an inclusive environment. We have Siobhann our additional needs teacher employed 5 days a week to work with additional needs children and their families. Current Vacancies for Additional Needs children. 

Please contact us or drop in to speak with Siobhann to discuss how we can support your child and your family.

Visitors to the Centre

Shows and events are scheduled throughout the year for all the children to participate in. This gives children the opportunity to connect with community groups and gain skills and knowledge they may not have experienced previously. In 2017 we have enjoyed visits from: Rangers on the Run – Under the Sea Show, Kindifarm, , Floating on a sea of stories. Lindfield Family Dentist, Hornsby Fire Brigade.

Family events are scheduled during the year. These occur both inside and outside of preschool hours. This year such events have included; Mother’s and Father’s day morning teas, Biggest Morning tea for Cancer Research, Pyjama Day to promote Asthma awareness, Family Disco, Mornings in the Park, Dress up day, Book Week Parade.

Tym and Cam

Library Day

Children are able to borrow books from the preschool once a week. All children bring a bag for their library book. Teachers will provide a mixture of books for the children to choose from both focusing on current areas of interest, as well as popular or new additions to the preschool library.

Throughout the term the children collaborate to create their own books reflecting recent events i.e dress up day, fire truck visit. These become part of the library and often become a popular item to borrow. By borrowing these books it supports the link between home life and preschool, supporting each child’s sense of identity.

Melbourne researchers have proven what parents have intuitively known all along – the more often you read to your children from an early age, the greater the positive effect on their reading and thinking skills.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/national/proof-of-benefits-of-reading-to-children-20130302-2fd7s.html#ixzz2f11kzn1U