Administration and fees

Government funding

Light BoxPeter Rabbit is non-profit community based preschool organisation. It is partially funded by Community Services, now called Department of Education and Communities.

The NSW State Government provides the start strong funding for all children 3-5 years  for 15 hours a week .  Preschool fees are set to cover the cost of running the preschool, it is not for profit. We receive additional funding for the following groups of children:

  • Those at risk of serious abuse or neglect
  • Those who may be economically disadvantaged
  • Those with special needs
  • Those with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Daily Fees

• Equity $53 (max. 3 days)
• 3 year old $85
• 4 year old $72 (year before school)
• Days 4 & 5 $100
• Start Strong Fee relief $108.67 per week


Enrolment Levy

A $200.00 non-refundable fee is payable in advance to cover administration costs before commencing at the preschool.   This amount also includes the Rabbit Pack.

Payment must be made within 14 days of receipt of acceptance letter.  Failure to pay by the due date will forfeit your child’s position.


Maintenance deposit

A $120 maintenance deposit will be charged on Enrolment with your fees.  You are asked to attend at a Working Bee, Garden Duty, and general job



Government funding influences fees and as such they are unpredictable and therefore subject to change at any time.

In addition to the attendance fees, each family will be charged a $60 equipment levy per term to assist in the purchase of extra, non-budgeted items for the preschool.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties please speak with the Director to discuss suitable payment options.

Please be aware that failure to pay by the due date will result in a $75 fine.

The preschool does not take responsibility for cash and will only accept payment of fees by internet banking of direct deposit.


Notice of withdrawal

If you will be withdrawing your child from Peter Rabbit Preschool, four terms weeks’ notice in writing is required. If notice is not given the balance of the term’s fees will be forfeited.
Families are required to pay the full terms fees if withdrawing in term 4.

Failure to provide the preschool with the appropriate notice will mean the entire term’s fees must be paid.