Parent involvement


Open Day-019As a community-based preschool we require your assistance in helping with domestic and maintenance work, supporting preschool functions and attendance at parent meetings.

Social fundraising

The Social/Fundraising Committee plays an integral role in the life of our preschool and events for raising funds as well as social purposes will continue to be organised and run through-out the year.

It is expected that families support events wherever they can as all dollars raised are utilised to purchase expensive items that our budgeted funds cannot accommodate.


Peter Rabbit requires each family to complete 4 jobs in total per year:

  • One maintenance job over the year. The ‘maintenance job list’ is on the display in the main room for you to put your name on the list.
  • One working bee. Working bees are held each term and a note will be on display for you to place your name next to a job.
  • One garden duty. Garden duty requires blower vacuuming, weeding and watering one Saturday or Sunday afternoon once during the year.
  • One fundraising ‘Bunnings BBQ’. We have two Bunnings BBQs during the year and we ask that you help at one e.g. cooking sausages, serving or collecting the money.

We also ask you to help just once during the year with small jobs like washing the tea-towels, dress ups or equipment. This list is also on display in the main room for you to add your name.

Failure to complete the four jobs in the year results in the loss of your maintenance deposit (see page 17).

Parents’ committee

The preschool is managed be a parent committee elected annually from and by the parent body.

The committee is responsible for sound fiscal management of the preschool and attends to matters relating to government funding, regulations and licensing, as well as ensuring all legal requirements pertaining to the running of the preschool are adhered to.

The committee together with the director make decisions on how the preschool is run and what improvements and changes can be made to make it a better environment for the attending children.