Philosophy Statement
At Peter Rabbit Community Preschool children will be welcomed into aesthetically pleasing play spaces and offered rich learning experiences through a curriculum based on the Early Years Learning Framework where the children feel part of the preschool community by ‘Belonging, Being and Becoming’. We will be sensitive to each family’s individuality and work towards creating a community, where all who are part of it are respected and valued.
Here at Peter Rabbit Community Preschool we offer an environment where each child’s well being, independence and eagerness to experience new opportunities are fostered. We aim to give all children the tools for life-long learning. Through working in partnership with parents and caregivers we strive to develop confident children who experience caring, respectful relationships with peers and educators.
Our program is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework. As Early Childhood Professionals we acknowledge the importance of time for children to explore and experiment, re-visit experiences and develop awareness of their individual abilities.
Children are encouraged to be part of the decision making process within the Preschool, being made aware of safety, hygiene, as well as caring for their self and others.
The natural world is highly valued for its potential for learning through found materials. In partnership with the children educators, create aesthetically pleasing play spaces which encourage children’s inquisitiveness. As we discover together in this collaborative process, individual opportunities for challenge and extension will be enhanced.
We value the importance of providing a Preschool program that encompasses the knowledge, skills and resources of parents, families and educators and the broader community. We believe that family involvement is an integral part of the everyday running of our preschool. We welcome the sharing of family experiences, cultures and ideas within our learning environment to enrich the children’s development, learning and understandings of the world around them. We encourage an environment where staff and parents work together to foster mutual respect and support of each other through open and regular communications.
Preschool values
At Peter Rabbit, we believe in providing a safe, inclusive and nurturing environment where children, teachers and families are respected.
We value:
- high quality early childhood education delivered by qualified, experienced and caring teachers,
- children being active participants in the development of the curriculum,
- strong family ties playing a major role in a child’s early education, and
- supporting children and families with additional needs.
- To provide a warm and caring environment for children and parents.
- To gather information from parents about specific interests and abilities of their children to maintain a collaborative approach to planning to ensure individualised and effective programs are developed.
- To provide a play-based program based on the Early Years Learning Framework curriculum implemented by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, using observation as the key to successful planning for individuals and the group. We work towards five major learning outcomes:
- children have a strong sense of identity,
- children are connected with and contribute to their world,
- children have a strong sense of wellbeing,
- children are confident and involved learners and
- children are effective communicators.
To provide children with opportunities for open-ended learning where they are encouraged to explore and experiment with materials, to solve problems and work out issues for themselves.
- To foster and promote relationships and interactions where children develop their self-awareness and self-confidence.
- To provide aesthetically pleasing and organised play spaces.
- To encourage the sharing of ideas and the development of respect of one another as we listen and learn together.
- To establish an environment with children in which they are able to learn limits and boundaries of acceptable behaviour together.
- To establish an environment in which there are equitable opportunities for learning regardless of ethnicity, gender, ability, age or background.
- To offer appropriate images, resources and learning opportunities about the world to children so they develop respect and appreciation of diversity.
- To provide an environment which shows that children’s play is a valued and meaningful learning tool and this will be reflected through the documentation of children’s work.
- To regularly reflect upon our practices and continue to enjoy learning as adults to ensure teaching is in line with current knowledge and theory within the early childhood field.
Goals of the preschool
To provide a warm and caring environment for children and parents.
- To gather information from parents about specific interests and abilities of their children to maintain a collaborative approach to planning to ensure individualised and effective programs are developed.
- To provide a play-based program based on the Early Years Learning Framework curriculum implemented by the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, using observation as the key to successful planning for individuals and the group. We work towards five major learning outcomes:
- children have a strong sense of identity,
- children are connected with and contribute to their world,
- children have a strong sense of wellbeing,
- children are confident and involved learners and
- children are effective communicators.
- To provide children with opportunities for open-ended learning where they are encouraged to explore and experiment with materials, to solve problems and work out issues for themselves.
- To foster and promote relationships and interactions where children develop their self-awareness and self-confidence.
- To provide aesthetically pleasing and organised play spaces.
- To encourage the sharing of ideas and the development of respect of one another as we listen and learn together.
- To establish an environment with children in which they are able to learn limits and boundaries of acceptable behaviour together.
- To establish an environment in which there are equitable opportunities for learning regardless of ethnicity, gender, ability, age or background.
- To offer appropriate images, resources and learning opportunities about the world to children so they develop respect and appreciation of diversity.
- To provide an environment which shows that children’s play is a valued and meaningful learning tool and this will be reflected through the documentation of children’s work.
- To regularly reflect upon our practices and continue to enjoy learning as adults to ensure teaching is in line with current knowledge and theory within the early childhood field.