Policies & Procedures Overview


19-IMG_2588All policies are kept at the preschool in our policy folder and are available for reading.  They are located in the drawer of the cupboard at the front door.

Parents can also view the complete Procedures & Policy as a PDF file available for download on the secured page.

Collection and storage of personal information

The preschool is governed by the Privacy Act (1998), and the Health Records and Information Privacy Bill 2002 (NSW).  As such we must carefully collect, store and maintain up to date records for your children.

If you have any questions, please speak with the Nominated Supervisor.

Emergency evacuation procedure

If there is an emergency at the preschool which would require the children to be removed from the premises, the staff will take them to the Ascot Motor Inn at 18 Ingram Rd.

Parents will be contacted from this location and asked to collect their child as soon as possible.

Each term we are required to carry out an ‘emergency evacuation practice’ and we assemble the children at the top of the car park, call the roll and then return to the area within Peter Rabbit.

If the danger was outside of the pre-school grounds we would keep the children inside.

During this time we follow all the required OH & S safety procedures and document the procedure.

Complaints procedure

If an issue arises, please discuss it with the staff or Director.

To formalise the complaint it must be written onto an informal complaints form and presented at a Committee meeting for discussion.

If you are unhappy with the outcome, you’re are directed to complete a Formal Complaint form and contact our Children’s Services Adviser at Department of Education and Communities on 1800 619 113


43-IMG_2640All parents are asked to:

  • Present proof of their child’s immunisation documents on enrolment, and
  • Keep their child at home if suffering from a heavy cold e.g. green runny nose or possible infectious disease or your child has been on antibiotics for less than 24 hours.

The nominated supervisor may:

  • Send home any child who has symptoms of an infectious disease,
  • Request a doctor’s certificate on your child’s return to preschool after an infectious disease,
  • Send home any child who appears unwell and/or with a temperature.

Please do not send your child if they are unwell, have a temperature or coloured mucus as we do not want other children to then get sick.


Children must be brought to and from preschool by an adult known to the staff.  Children will NOT be permitted to leave with any person unknown to the staff unless prior arrangements have been made.

Written permission must be provided if the person is not nominated on your child’s enrolment form and persons unknown to staff will be asked to show ID.

Children must be brought into the preschool (not left outside) and parents must sign their child in/out daily in the attendance book.

Please bring children as soon as possible after 9.00am so they can be part of all experiences, and pick them up by 3.00pm. A late fee of $5.00 per 5 minutes after 3.00pm applies.

For insurance reasons the children are not allowed in outside of the normal operating hours.  If you arrive early please wait until opening time.


Under no circumstances will medicine be administered to a child if it is not prescribed by a doctor, with your child’s name on the container and written into the medication book.

It is essential to complete all information into the Medication Book and give the medication to a staff member so they can place it in the fridge and inform them of the  time it needs to be administered and the dosage.


Open Day-004 resIf your child is not able to attend pre-school please let the staff know.  Fees are still required and sick days cannot be made up.


We usually organise special presenters to come to Peter Rabbit instead of us leaving the premises.

Parents will be advised prior to all excursions and a permission note will be provided giving all necessary information.

Excursions will only take place if parents can voluntarily assist staff on the day, as we must take 1 adult for every 3-4 children.  Siblings are permitted and their parent will be allocated only one other child.